End to end test suite

This test suite ensures that new pull requests don’t break any features in Mautic and helps maintain the overall quality of the app. It uses Codeception, a popular PHP testing framework, and Selenium for browser automation.


This guide assumes that your Mautic project is already installed and running on DDEV. If not, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-name>
  1. Start DDEV:

Ensure you have installed DDEV on your system. Start the DDEV environment with:

ddev start

For detailed steps, refer to the Mautic documentation.

  1. Build the test dependencies:

bin/codecept build

The codeception.yml and tests/acceptance.suite.yml configurations are already in place.

Configuring the test environment

In acceptance tests, your tests interact with the app through a web server, using the same database as the app. To avoid modifying the actual app database during tests, you should configure a separate test database. This setup ensures that the test environment doesn’t affect your production data and allows for isolated testing.

Whenever you need to run the tests, make sure to update .env.local to enable test mode.

  1. Edit .env.local:

Set the environment to test mode.

# .env.local
  1. Configure Test Database Credentials:

Ensure that your .env.test.local file contains the correct credentials for the test database.

# .env.test.local

Mautic uses the db database for production and test database for running tests.

Acceptance tests structure

The directory tests/ contains all tests, with codeception.yml in the root directory. The tests use WebDriver and Db modules, with configurations specified in acceptance.suite.yml. Codeception runs the tests in real browsers using the W3C WebDriver protocol, with Selenium managing browser interactions.

Here’s an overview of tests directory structure:

Tests directory structure




Contains fixture data used in tests, including SQL dump files and sample CSV files.


Contains output from tests in case of failures. This includes snapshots of the browser in JPEG format and generated HTML reports for troubleshooting.


  • AcceptanceTester.php: contains login logic that runs before each test.

  • Helper/: stores custom helper functions. For example, DbHelper.php automates the process of generating SQL dump files and populating the database. It prepares the database from scratch if no dump file exists, and exports a SQL file for future use.

  • Page/: stores UI locators for each page. Avoid hard-coding complex CSS or XPath locators in tests; instead, use PageObject classes.

  • Step/: contains step objects that group common functionalities for tests.


Contains acceptance tests.

Writing and running tests

Writing tests

Writing tests in Codeception involves creating files within the tests/Acceptance directory. Each file contains a class with methods that define the test scenarios.

  1. Create a New Test File

Use the following command to generate a new file:

bin/codecept generate:cest acceptance <TestName>

This creates a TestSuiteNameCest.php file in tests/Acceptance.

  1. Define Test Scenarios

Open the generated file and define your test scenarios. Each method within the class represents a different scenario. Use Codeception’s built-in assertions and helper functions to verify the expected outcomes. Here’s an example:


class TestSuiteNameCest
    public function _before(AcceptanceTester $I)
        // Code to run before each test

    public function _after(AcceptanceTester $I)
        // Code to run after each test

    // Define your test methods

    public function login(AcceptanceTester $I)
        $I->fillField('#username', $name);
        $I->fillField('#password', $password);
  1. Utilize PageObjects and StepObjects

Organize your tests by using PageObject and StepObject classes. This keeps your tests clean and maintainable by separating locators and test steps into reusable components.

  • Generate a page object with:

bin/codecept generate:pageobject acceptance ExamplePage

This creates an ExamplePage.php file in /tests/Support/Page/Acceptance.

  • Generate step objects with:

bin/codecept generate:stepobject acceptance Example

This creates an Example.php file in /tests/Support/Step/Acceptance.

Running tests

You can start tests using the run command provided by Codeception. Here are different ways to run your tests:

Run all tests

bin/codecept run

Run all acceptance tests

bin/codecept run acceptance

Run a specific test file

If you need to run a specific test file, such as ContactManagementCest, use:

bin/codecept run acceptance ContactManagementCest

Run a specific test scenario

To run a specific scenario within a test file, you can specify the test method like this:

bin/codecept run acceptance ContactManagementCest:createContactFromForm

View test results

After running the tests, Codeception returns the results in the terminal. Additionally, any failures generate snapshots and HTML reports in the _output directory, which you can use for debugging.

Additional options

Print steps:

To see a step-by-step breakdown of the test execution, use:

bin/codecept run acceptance ContactManagementCest --steps

Verbose output

For more detailed internal debug information, use:

bin/codecept run acceptance ContactManagementCest -vvv

View tests in the browser

You can watch your tests run in an automated browser by visiting the following URL: https://mautic.ddev.site:7900/.

noVNC Access:

Password: secret


Contributions to the test suite are welcome. Please follow the guidelines for submitting pull requests, as outlined in the Tester Documentation.