Tracking script MauticJS (mtc.js)

Mautic provides a means for Plugins to inject custom JavaScript into mtc.js, the PHP generated script that manages Mautic’s tracking pixel and Dynamic Web Content. You can embed mtc.js in third party websites to manage communication between those and Mautic.


For basic guidance on how to implement mtc.js on your website, please visit the Mautic User Documentation.



namespace Mautic\PageBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\BuildJsEvent;
use Mautic\PageBundle\Event\TrackingEvent;
use Mautic\PageBundle\PageEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class TrackingSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            CoreEvents::BUILD_MAUTIC_JS    => ['onBuildJs', 0],
            PageEvents::ON_CONTACT_TRACKED => ['onContactTracked', 0],

    public function onBuildJs(BuildJsEvent $event)

        document.addEventListener('mauticPageEventDelivered', function(e) {
            var detail   = e.detail;
            if (detail.response && && {


    public function onContactTracked(TrackingEvent $event)
        $contact  = $event->getContact();
        $response = $event->getResponse();

                'email' => $contact->getEmail()

To inject custom JavaScript into mtc.js, use an Event Listener for the CoreEvents::BUILD_MAUTIC_JS event. This event receives a Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\BuildJsEvent object where $event->appendJs($js, $sectionName); can be used to inject the script’s code.


Note that the code that triggers the tracking call to Mautic has a priority of -255. Thus, any listener to this event should use a priority greater than -255.


Only use native JavaScript or <a href=”#mauticjs-api-functions”>MauticJS API functions</a> since jQuery and other libraries aren’t guaranteed to be available in third party websites.

Hooking into the tracking process and returning custom responses

If you need to do something during the request to track the Contact through /mtc/event, or append to the payload returned to the tracking code which you can leverage by custom JavaScript injected through CoreEvents::BUILD_MAUTIC_JS, subscribe to the PageEvents::ON_CONTACT_TRACKED event. The listener can inject a custom payload through the Mautic\PageBundle\Event\TrackingEvent::set method. This will expose the payload to the tracking code’s mauticPageEventDelivered event in the object. See the PHP code example.

JavaScript Form processing hooks

if (typeof MauticFormCallback == 'undefined') {
    var MauticFormCallback = {};
MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onValidateEnd: function (formValid) {
         // before form submit
    onResponse: function (response) {
         // after form submit

If you wish to run additional code before or after submission of the Form, create a MauticFormCallback object. In the example code, replace replaceWithFormName with the name of your Form.

onValidateEnd and onResponse are actions called by Form.customCallbackHandler.


Called before default Form validation - use it to override the default Form validation.

Return True to skip the default Form validation and continue with Form processing. Return False to skip the default Form validation and prevent the Form submission. Return null to execute default Form validation.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onValidate: function () {
        // before form validation
        var formIsGood = True;
        var dontUpdate = False;
            return null;
        }else if(formIsGood){
            return True;
        }else if(!formIsGood){
            return False;


Called at the beginning of the default Form validation, this receives no values and a return value isn’t required and isn’t processed.


onValidateStart may not get executed if the default Form validation gets handled during the onValidate callback.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onValidateStart: function () {
         // before default validation


Called after all Form validations are complete - either the default validations and/or the onValidate callback - and before the Form gets submitted. Receives formValid to determine if the Form is valid. A return value isn’t required and isn’t processed.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onValidateEnd: function (formValid) {
         // before form submit


Called during error marking. It receives a callbackData object. Return True to skip the default error marking.

var callbackData = {
    containerId: containerId,
    valid: valid,
    validationMessage: callbackValidationMessage

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onErrorMark: function (callbackData) {
         // called during error marking


Called to clear an existing error. Receives containerId with the id of the element containing the error. Return True to skip the default error clearing.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onErrorClear: function (containerId) {
         // called to clear an existing error


Called prior to default Form submission response processing. Receives response containing the Form submission response. Return True to skip the default Form submission response processing.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onResponse: function (response) {
         // called to process the response to the form submission


Called at the beginning of the default Form submission response processing. Receives response containing the Form submission response. Return value isn’t required and isn’t processed.


onResponseStart may not get executed if the default response processing gets handled during the onResponse callback

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onResponseStart: function (response) {
         // called to process the response to the form submission


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onResponseEnd: function (response) {
         // called to process the response to the form submission

Called at the end default Form submission response processing. Receives response containing the Form submission response. Return value isn’t required and isn’t processed.


onResponseEnd may not get executed if the default response processing gets handled during the onResponse callback


Called prior to default message insertion. Receives a messageObject containing the message and message type. Return True to skip the default message insertion.

var messageObject = {
    message: message,
    type: type

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
         // called prior to default message insertion


Called prior to default disabling of the submit button. Receives no values. Return True to skip the default disabling of the submit button.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
         // called prior to default message insertion


Called prior to default enabling of the submit button. Receives no values. Return True to skip the default enabling of the submit button.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
         // called prior to default message insertion


Called prior to going to the next page in the Form. Useful to adjust the DOM prior to making the page visible.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onShowNextPage: function (pageNumber) {
         // called prior to going to the next page


Called prior to going back to a previous page in the Form. Useful to adjust the DOM prior to making the page visible.

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
    onShowPreviousPage: function (pageNumber) {
         // called prior to going back to previous page

MauticJS API functions


This method transforms an object properties into a key=value string, concatenating them with an ampersand. It’s used when submitting data via MauticJS.makeCORSRequest.

var obj = {firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe"};

var serialized = MauticJS.serialize(obj);

alert(serialized); // Shows "firstname=John&lastname=Doe"


This method validates if the document has finished rendering, then executes the given function. The function argument can be the name of a function or an anonymous function.

function test() {



This method iterates over the provided collection, which can be an array, object, HTMLCollection, etc. - it uses the provided function argument. The function argument can be the name of a function or an anonymous function. The function receives the collection node and the iteration number as arguments.

var videos = document.getElementsByTagName('video');

// Add a custom data attribute to all videos
MauticJS.iterateCollection(videos)(function(node, i) {
    node.dataset.customAttribute = 'test';


This method is a lightweight wrapper around console.log. It exists because some browsers don’t provide this feature. It takes any number of arguments, logs them, then passes those same arguments to the console.log method if it exists.

MauticJS.log('Something happened');

MauticJS.createCORSRequest(method, url)

This method creates an XMLHttpRequest, then checks to see if it supports the withCredentials property. If not, the User is probably on Windows, so it then checks for the existence of XDomainRequest, then creates it if found. Finally, it opens then returns the XHR. You can use that to send cross-domain requests that include the cookies for the domain. It’s used internally within the MauticJS.makeCORSRequest method.

MauticJS.createCORSRequest('GET', '');

MauticJS.makeCORSRequest(method, url, data, callbackSuccess, callbackError)

This method uses MauticJS.createCORSRequest to open a cross domain request to the specified URL, then sets the callbackSuccess and callbackError values accordingly. You may omit either of the callbacks. If you do, the callbacks get replaced with a basic function that uses MauticJS.log(response) to log the response from the request. The callback methods receive the server response and the XHR object as arguments. If the response is a JSON string, it’s automatically parsed to a JSON object. The data argument gets serialized using MauticJS.serialize(data), then sent with the request to the server. All requests made this way have the X-Requested-With header set to XMLHttpRequest.

MauticJS.makeCORSRequest('GET', '', [], function (response, xhr) {
    if (response.success) {
        document.getElementById('slot1').innerHTML = response.content;


This method takes a text string and verifies whether it’s a valid JSON string. If so, it parses it into a JSON object and returns. If not, then it simply returns the argument passed to it.

var text = '{"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"}';

var json = MauticJS.parseTextToJSON(text);

alert(json); // Will show [object Object]

var text = 'not valid json';

var json = MauticJS.parseTextToJSON(text);

alert(json); // Will show 'not valid json'


This method inserts a script tag with the provided URL in the head of your document, before other scripts.
