There’s several ways to extend Contacts in Mautic. One of them is to show custom events in a Contact’s event timeline - this document shows you how.
In Mautic 1.4, Leads got renamed to Contacts. However, much of the code still refers to Contacts as Leads.
Creating Contacts
To create a new Contact, use the \Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead
entity. Review the code sample.
// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Services/ContactService.php
namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Services;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\IpLookupHelper;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\LeadRepository;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Model\FieldModel;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Model\LeadModel;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Tracker\ContactTracker;
class ContactService
protected LeadModel $leadModel;
protected ContactTracker $contactTracker;
protected IpLookupHelper $ipLookupHelper;
protected FieldModel $fieldModel;
protected LeadRepository $leadRepository;
public function __construct(
LeadModel $leadModel,
ContactTracker $contactTracker,
IpLookupHelper $ipLookupHelper,
FieldModel $fieldModel,
LeadRepository $leadRepository
) {
$this->leadModel = $leadModel;
$this->contactTracker = $contactTracker;
$this->ipLookupHelper = $ipLookupHelper;
$this->fieldModel = $fieldModel;
$this->leadRepository = $leadRepository;
public function createLead()
// Currently tracked Contact based on cookies
$lead = $this->contactTracker->getContact();
$leadId = $lead->getId();
// OR generate a completely new Contact with
$lead = new Lead();
$leadId = null;
// IP address of the request
$ipAddress = $this->ipLookupHelper->getIpAddress();
// Updated/new fields
$leadFields = array(
'firstname' => 'Bob',
// Optionally check for identifier fields to determine if the Contact is unique
$uniqueLeadFields = $this->fieldModel->getUniqueIdentiferFields();
$uniqueLeadFieldData = array();
// Check if unique identifier fields are included
$inList = array_intersect_key($leadFields, $uniqueLeadFields);
foreach ($inList as $k => $v) {
if (empty($query[$k])) {
if (array_key_exists($k, $uniqueLeadFields)) {
$uniqueLeadFieldData[$k] = $v;
// If there are unique identifier fields, check for existing Contacts based on Contact data
if (count($inList) && count($uniqueLeadFieldData)) {
$existingLeads = $this->leadRepository->getLeadsByUniqueFields(
$leadId // If a currently tracked Contact, ignore this ID when searching for duplicates
if (!empty($existingLeads)) {
// Existing found so merge the two Contacts
$lead = $this->leadModel->mergeLeads($lead, $existingLeads[0]);
// Get the Contact's currently associated IPs
$leadIpAddresses = $lead->getIpAddresses();
// If the IP is not already associated, do so (the addIpAddress will automatically handle ignoring
// the IP if it is set to be ignored in the Configuration)
if (!$leadIpAddresses->contains($ipAddress)) {
// Set the Contact's data
$this->leadModel->setFieldValues($lead, $leadFields);
// Save the entity
Contact tracking
Contacts get tracked by two cookies. The first cookie registers the ID of the Contact that’s tracked by Mautic. The second is to track the Contact’s activity for the current session. This defaults to 30 minutes and resets during each Contact interaction.
holds the value of the Contact’s current session ID. That value is then name of the cookie that holds the Contact’s ID.
Review the sample code on how to obtain the currently tracked Contact.
As of Mautic 2.2.0, a cookie is also placed on any domain with mtc.js embedded. Ensure that Mautic’s CORS settings allow the domain. This contains the ID of the currently tracked Contact.
// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Services/ContactTrackingService.php
namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Services;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Tracker\ContactTracker;
class ContactTrackingService
protected ContactTracker $contactTracker;
public function __construct(ContactTracker $contactTracker) {
$this->contactTracker = $contactTracker;
public function track() {
$currentContact = $this->contactTracker->getContact();
// To obtain the tracking ID, use getTrackingId();
$trackingId = $this->contactTracker->getTrackingId();
// Set the currently tracked Contact and generate tracking cookies
$lead = new Lead();
// ...
// Set a Contact for system use purposes (i.e. events that use getCurrentLead()) but without generating tracking cookies
Contact timeline/history
To inject events into a Contact’s timeline, create an event listener that listens to the LeadEvents::TIMELINE_ON_GENERATE
Using this event, the Plugin can inject unique items into the timeline and also into the engagements graph on each page.
Before using this event listener, you’ll need to ensure that you store your custom events in a custom database table. See Generating timeline events from your own custom events below for more details.
The event listener receives a Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\LeadTimelineEvent
object. You can find the commonly used methods below the code example.
// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/LeadSubscriber.php
namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\LeadTimelineEvent;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\LeadEvents;
use MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity\WorldRepository;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
final class LeadSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private TranslatorInterface $translator;
private EntityManager $em;
private RouterInterface $router;
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator, EntityManager $em, RouterInterface $router)
$this->translator = $translator;
$this->em = $em;
$this->router = $router;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
LeadEvents::TIMELINE_ON_GENERATE => ['onTimelineGenerate', 0]
public function onTimelineGenerate(LeadTimelineEvent $event): void
// Add this event to the list of available events which generates the event type filters
$eventTypeKey = 'visited.worlds';
$eventTypeName = $this->translator->trans('');
$event->addEventType($eventTypeKey, $eventTypeName);
// Determine if this event has been filtered out
if (!$event->isApplicable($eventTypeKey)) {
/** @var WorldRepository */
$repository = $this->em->getRepository(WorldRepository::class);
// $event->getQueryOptions() provide timeline filters, etc.
// This method should use DBAL to obtain the events to be injected into the timeline based on pagination
// but also should query for a total number of events and return an array of ['total' => $x, 'results' => []].
// There is a TimelineTrait to assist with this. See repository example.
$stats = $repository->getTimelineStats($event->getLead()->getId(), $event->getQueryOptions());
// If isEngagementCount(), this event should only inject $stats into addToCounter() to append to data to generate
// the engagements graph. Not all events are engagements if they are just informational so it could be that this
// line should only be used when `!$event->isEngagementCount()`. Using TimelineTrait will determine the appropriate
// return value based on the data included in getQueryOptions() if used in the stats method above.
$event->addToCounter($eventTypeKey, $stats);
if (!$event->isEngagementCount()) {
// Add the events to the event array
foreach ($stats['results'] as $stat) {
if ($stat['dateSent']) {
// Event key type
'event' => $eventTypeKey,
// Event name/label - can be a string or an array as below to convert to a link
'eventLabel' => [
'label' => $stat['name'],
'href' => $this->router->generate(
['objectId' => $stat['dynamic_content_id'], 'objectAction' => 'view']
// Translated string displayed in the Event Type column
'eventType' => $eventTypeName,
// \DateTime object for the timestamp column
'timestamp' => $stat['dateSent'],
// Optional details passed through to the contentTemplate
'extra' => [
'stat' => $stat,
'type' => 'sent'
// Optional template to customize the details of the event in the timeline
'contentTemplate' => 'MauticDynamicContentBundle:SubscribedEvents\Timeline:index.html.php',
// Font Awesome class to display as the icon
'icon' => 'fa-envelope'
Method |
Description |
Determines if this event is applicable and not filtered out. |
Required - Add this event to the list of available events. |
Get the Contact entity |
Used to get pagination, filters, etc needed to generate an appropriate query. |
Used to add total number of events across all Landing Pages to the counters. This also generates the numbers for the engagements graph. |
Required - Injects an event into the timeline. Accepts an array with the keys defined as below. |
Key |
Required |
Type |
Description |
Required |
string |
The key for this event. Eg. world.visited |
Required |
string |
The translated string representing this event type. Eg. Worlds visited |
Required |
DateTime |
DateTime object when this event took place |
Optional |
string/array |
The translated string to display in the event name. Examples include names of items, Landing Page titles, etc. This can also be an array of [‘label’ => ‘’, ‘href’ => ‘’] to have the entry converted to a link. This defaults to |
Optional |
array |
Anything you want to pass through to the content template to generate the details view for this event |
Optional |
string |
Template you want to use to generate the details view for this event. Eg. |
Optional |
Font Awesome class |
Generating timeline events from your own custom events
You’re responsible for creating your own events and storing them in appropriate database tables.
From there, you can turn them into timeline events so they show up on the Contact’s detail screen.
To make this process a bit easier, the Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\TimelineTrait
trait is available.
// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Entity/WorldRepository.php
namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\CommonRepository;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\TimelineTrait;
* @extends CommonRepository<World>
class WorldRepository extends CommonRepository
use TimelineTrait;
* @param array<string,string> $options
* @return array<string,mixed>
public function getTimelineStats(int $leadId, array $options = []): array
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder();
$query->select(',, w.visited_count, w.date_visited, w.visit_details')
->from(MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . 'world_visits', 'w')
->where($query->expr()->eq('w.lead_id', (int) $leadId));
if (isset($options['search']) && $options['search']) {
$query->expr()->like('', $query->expr()->literal('%' . $options['search'] . '%'))
return $this->getTimelineResults($query, $options, '', 'w.date_visited', ['visit_details'], ['date_visited']);
To leverage this, accept the array from $event->getQueryOptions()
in the repository method. Create a DBAL QueryBuilder object ($this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder()
) and define the basics of the array, including filtering by lead id and search filter. Then pass the QueryBuilder object to the getTimelineResults()
method along with the following arguments:
Key |
Required |
Type |
Description |
Required |
QueryBuilder |
Database Abstraction Layer QueryBuilder object defining basics of the query. |
Required |
array |
Array generated and passed into method by |
Required |
string |
Name of the column with table prefix that should to use when sorting by event name |
Required |
string |
Name of the column with table prefix that should to use when sorting by timestamp |
Optional |
array |
When using the Database Abstraction Layer, arrays won’t be auto-unserialized by Doctrine. Define the columns here, as returned by the query results, to auto-unserialize. |
Optional |
array |
When using the Database Abstraction Layer, |
Optional |
callback |
Callback to custom parse a result. This is optional and mainly used to handle a column result when all results are already looped over for |