
Symfony makes heavy use of a filesystem cache. When developing for Mautic, clearing the cache is a regular occurrence. By default, Mautic instances have the cache located in var/cache/ENV where ENV is the environment currently accessed - dev or prod. To rebuild the cache, delete the relevant ENV folder within the cache directory, or run the Symfony command php bin/console cache:clear --env=ENV. If a specific environment isn’t passed to the command via --env=ENV, Mautic uses the dev environment by default.

In the dev environment, Mautic doesn’t cache translations, views, and assets. However, changes to these files require clearing the cache for them to take effect in the prod environment. Changes to Mautic config files, Symfony config files, etc., require clearing of the cache regardless of the environment.

The typical rule of thumb is, if Mautic isn’t acting as you expect after making changes, try clearing your cache. If you get class could not be found or cannot redeclare class errors when using the cache:clear command, manually delete the var/cache/ENV folder - replacing ENV with the environment e.g dev or prod - then run the command and/or browse to the site to rebuild.

Cache bundle

Enables PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching. Check Symfony Cache Component

Namespace versus tag

This bundle introduces tags to the cache. All its adapters are fully tag aware which makes the use of namespace obsolete for daily use.

Previously, if you wanted to keep control on cache section and didn’t want to hold the index of all keys to clear, you would have to use namespace.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that Mautic creates a new adapter for each namespace.

From Symfony 3.4, the cache uses tag-aware adapters. If you want to clear all records related to your Bundle or Component, you just need to tag them.

/** @var CacheProvider $cache */
$cache = $this->get('mautic.cache.provider');
/** @var CacheItemInterface $item */
$item = $cache->getItem('test_tagged_Item');
$item->tag(['firstTag', 'secondTag']);

All you need to do now is to clear all tagged items:


Pools clearing

Removing cache items

Cache Pools include methods to delete a cache item, some of them, or all of them. The most common is Psr\\Cache\\CacheItemPoolInterface::deleteItem, which deletes the cache item identified by the given key.

$isDeleted = $cache->deleteItem('user_'.$userId);

Use the Psr\\Cache\\CacheItemPoolInterface::deleteItems method to delete several cache items simultaneously - it returns true only if all the items have been deleted, even when any or some of them don’t exist.


Plugins come preconfigured to utilize filesystem caching.

These are the default settings:

'cache_adapter' => 'mautic.cache.adapter.filesystem',
'cache_prefix' => 'app',
'cache_lifetime' => 86400

They can be overridden in local.php like this:

'cache_adapter'  => 'mautic.cache.adapter.redis',
'cache_prefix'   => 'app_cache',
'cache_lifetime' => 86400,

Delivered adapters

  • mautic.cache.adapter.filesystem

  • mautic.cache.adapter.memcached

'memcached' => [
    'servers' => ['memcached://localhost'],
    'options' => [
        'compression' => true,
        'libketama_compatible' => true,
        'serializer' => 'igbinary',
  • mautic.cache.adapter.redis

Redis configuration in local.php:

'redis' => [
    'dsn' => 'redis://localhost',
    'options' => [
        'lazy' => false,
        'persistent' => 0,
        'persistent_id' => null,
        'timeout' => 30,
        'read_timeout' => 0,
        'retry_interval' => 0,

In order to use another adapter, just set it up as a service.

Clearing the cache

The cache:clear command clears Mautic’s cache. Use this command:

bin/console mautic:cache:clear